Keeping Safe and Warm in Canada: A Leasing Agent’s Guide to Heating Solutions in a Property — Padleads

4 min readFeb 24, 2022

One of the things to consider in renting out properties is the tenants’ comfort. Landlords should anticipate their needs before they even start occupying the unit. Aside from having a clean environment, we have to think of other things to ease them. Let’s talk about the changing weather conditions.

In Canada, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. During the fall and winter months, the weather can become chilly. With temperatures dropping below zero degrees, most people prefer to stay indoors to keep warm. But do they have the proper heating solutions available in their homes? Did the landlord provide them?

Heating solutions should benefit the tenants alone but also the landlords. Property owners take into account the cost of installing heat-inducing gadgets and appliances. At the same time, they want to provide for the tenants’ needs. Fortunately, there are ways to balance comfort and cost. There are available items that will keep the tenants warm without breaking the landlord’s pocket.

Electric blankets

Sometimes the weather gets too cold that ordinary blankets do not help. The landlord can opt to have electric blankets around the property. They contain insulated wire that will heat up once plugged. You must think it won’t be a safe choice because it involves electricity, am I right?

The good news is the newer electric blankets automatically shut off if they become too hot. The tenants and landlord should not worry about leaving it on because it will inevitably turn off itself. It will help steer clear of fire accidents and burns. It will also aid in energy consumption and avoid the rise in electric bills.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces mimic the traditional ones. Aside from looking good, they get the job done. Electric fireplaces have built-in heaters to help keep the tenants warm during the cold months. The landlords can mount it on the wall for added decor, or the tenants can move it from room to room.

The advantage of having an electric fireplace is it’s safe to have inside the property. It is not a fire hazard and creates a fireplace ambiance without the mess. Parents won’t have to worry about their children coming too close because there’s no actual fire. Not to mention, the tenants get to enjoy the warmth minus the smell of smoke.

Ethanol fireplace

Some people have never heard of this type of fireplace. If you are unfamiliar with it, ethanol or bio fireplace runs on clean-burning ethanol fuel. They produce real flames but not smoke. If the property has this type of fireplace, there are no chimneys or vents because it doesn’t need one. Some are free-standing and tabletop types, which the tenants can place anywhere.

Bio-ethanol fireplaces are relatively safe because they make better air quality than wood fireplaces. Some of them double up as sleek, modern tables. Imagine an outdoor area with one of those. It will be a pleasant place for the tenants to relax and enjoy the snow. Landlords would not have to worry about the cost of having these around because there is no need for installation unless they want to mount them. Using them is also cheaper than wood-burning fireplaces.

The landlords should never compromise the tenants’ comfort for their interests. I know it is essential to save money, but there are ways to do that and make sure the tenants are happy. They only have to seek out their options because they will find something to fit their budget. The items I enumerated also give them peace of mind knowing the property is safe.

You can now convince the landlords to add changes and utilize other heating solutions. Don’t forget to attach this valuable detail to your property listing. You can post your property listings using Padleads and syndicate them to other websites. I’m sure that will get some attention.

They were originally published at on February 24, 2022.




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